The Honor GirlGrace Livingston Hill
I borrowed it today from the library and have been reading it every second that I can! Though I have meant to get a GLH book for awhile now, this was my first opportunity... I now know that I will be buying up every one of her books that I can find!
Just finished that book (after enjoying Anna's suggested readings from Pleasant View Schoolhouse)and loved it. Currently reading "The Honeymoon House and Other Stories" also by GLH. I agree with you--I want to read them all now! Do you read "Neat and Dainty as a Flower" from Anna? It's a lovely little blog that highlights certain quotes and such from GLH stories. Glad you enjoyed your book.
I love it too! I want to get all of her books for our librarby. I think that might take a while though since she has so many! The Honor Girl is the first one that I have read and I am enjoying it so much!
I too collect GLH books and was very thankful to find some in a used book store when we were away on vacation over Christmas. Sadly enough, all but 6 of her books are out of print now. sells the 6 that are in print - Marcia Schulyer, Pheobe Dean, Miranda, Lone Point, Lo Michael and the Witness.
Okay....I just took a look at Amazon myself, to see if the covers of the new Tyndale books were as pretty as I remember them to be and in my looking, found that some other publishing company has begun to print them again. In hardcover, which is really neat! Okay, I'm excited!!
I enjoy GLH also. My grandmother and aunt bought a hardback book every month when they were in their teenage years. I was the only one that was an advid reader so the books were past on to me about 10 years ago. I have a delightful hardbook collection from the 1930's. I also enjoy Anne's blogs of GLH quotes...
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