Sunday, November 29

Vegan Winter Minestrone

Oh, man! Ina Garten's Winter Minestrone is fantastique! I made it vegan by omitting the pancetta, swapping the chicken broth for vegetable broth, and using basil instead of pesto (I intended to make vegan pesto, but was lazy). 

Lila+June Wrap Skirt


Our beautiful girl whipped this skirt up between eight and eleven last night. Can you even? The pattern is free (Lila+June Wrap Skirt Pattern) and the fabric is Robert Kauffman from Hobby Lobby that we were able to use a 40% off coupon for.

By the Sea in November

Wednesday, November 25



I brought in a plant table from the patio to get our jungle of plants arranged nicely. Everything looks happy now, but will I be able to keep these things alive all winter?

Tuesday, November 24

Aztec Mask

Our son made this amazing Aztec mask out of cardboard and hot glue yesterday! 

Saturday, November 21

Vlogmas: 21 November

 Day Seven of Vlogmas: tea in the morning sun, homemade chili, and more

Friday, November 20

Vlogmas: 20 November

Day Six of Vlogmas: homemade bagels, tidying a bookshelf, fixing the vacuum, and polishing the silver

Thursday, November 19

Vlogmas: 19 November


Day Five of Vlogmas: Forcing bulbs for the Nativity Season and catching up after the long weekend


God Save the Queen!


Thanks to the new season of The Crown (haven't seen it yet), many magazines have articles on my favorite Monarch and her fam. This one is the US edition of Town & Country.

A Winning Combination


Wednesday, November 18

Vlogmas: 18 November

Day Four of Vlogmas: Infusions, check ups, and The Four Seasons

Tuesday, November 17

Vlogmas: 17 November

 Day Three of Vlogmas: A restful Sunday

Monday, November 16

Vlogmas: 16 November

Day Two of Vlogmas: Errands and laundry


Sunday, November 15

The November Beach


Vlogmas: 15 November

 Day One of Vlogmas: Our Nativity Readings and a Starry Path to Follow to the Nativity

Saturday, November 14

Friday, November 13

Preparing for a Beautiful Nativity

Preparing for a Beautiful Nativity

November 15: Set Up Nativity Countdowns/ Clean out fridge and Pantry and grocery shop for Lenten foods

November 16: plant paperwhite and/or amaryllis bulbs in pots to enjoy indoors during the Nativity season.

November 17: purchase chocolate coins and small gifts for Saint Nicholas Day!

November 18: organize, dust, and style your bookshelves. Set aside books you no longer want for donation.

November 19: tidy children's play areas and cull toys for donation.

November 20: donate money and/or canned goods to your local food pantry for Thanksgiving Clean and organize bathroom cabinets and drawers

November 21: Celebrate the feast of the Entry of the Most Holy Mother of God in the Temple (New Calendar)! Tidy the linen closet.

November 22: Go through clothing drawers. Set aside clothing to donate.

November 23: Tidy closets and set aside things to donate.

November 24: purchase and plant bulbs to plant for the spring.

November 25: Get ready for Thanksgiving!

November 26: Happy Thanksgiving!

November 27: Research Christmas activities in the area

November 28: Plan Christmas gift lists and organize/declutter dvds and cds.

November 29: plan your Christmas menu and the outfits your family will wear to church!

November 30: Tidy hall closet(s) and begin lists for Nativity celebrations, foods, treats, parties, etc.

December 1: Bring out Christmas books. Try your hand at making citrus ornaments!

December 2: Tidy craft supplies and Make applesauce/cinnamon ornaments

December 3: Straighten bedside tables and plan Christmas cards.

December 4: Tidy kitchen cabinets and plan Christmas cookie and treat bakes

December 5: Listen to a recording of The Messiah and freshen up the laundry room

December 6: Happy Saint Nicholas Day! Plan Christmas guest lists and finalize charitable Christmas giving

December 7: tidy cleaning supplies and add a new Christmas book or album of music to your Christmas collection.

December 8: Watch a Christmas movie as a family

December 9: organize and weed through board games and decorate mantle.

December 10: Preparing for a Beautiful Nativity: purchase things to make a gingerbread house (now or later) and deep clean the bathroom(s).

December 11: Deep clean the bedroom(s).

December 12: deep clean the hallway(s) and entrance.

December 13: Joyous Feasts of Saints Lucia and Herman! Add twinkle lights or candles to your windows and deep clean the living room.

December 14: Decorate the outside of your house!

December 15: Hang a wintery wreath on your front door and take a drive to look at Christmas lights!

December 16: Hang stockings and deep clean the dining room.

December 17: Put out the nativity set and deep clean the kitchen.

December 18: wrap gifts and deep clean the playroom/area of your home.

December 19: Put out Christmassy/wintery soaps by the sink(s) and run errands.

December 20: Do some paper crafts and put out Christmassy scented candles.

December 21: Put out a Christmas centerpiece on your table and choose a new ornament for your Christmas tree.

December 22: Decorate the Christmas tree!

December 23: Wrap any leftover gifts

December 24: Last minute preparations for Nativity

December 25: Joyous Feast of Nativity!

Wednesday, November 11

Boys' Basketball

The boys played basketball last night! Everyone is so happy to be back! 

New Regulations

We just got the call that basketball is cancelled indefinitely per the new regulations from the governor. We're so disappointed. 

Sunday, November 8

Pumpkin Candle


Our pumpkin candle is about to get lit.

Saint Michael's Day


Only one of our children participated in the saint parade today at church. He was Saint Chariton the Confessor!

Saturday, November 7

Autumn Fog




Firewood stacked and ready!

Resistance was Futile


I couldn't resist this tiny quilted jacket today at Target. Good thing my sister is having a baby girl in February!
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