Books Read in 2023: I've been wanting to re-read the Cazalet Chronicles. I pulled out The Light Years a week or so ago and blazed right through it. The next book is Marking Time.
Sunday, February 26
Saturday, February 25
Friday, February 24
Silver and Gold
Our daughter entered three photos in Worcester County Public School's Media Expo and she won a silver medal for her photo of the Cross in the 9th-12th Grade Non-Living Object category (guess they haven't heard of the Life-Giving Cross 🤣) and a gold medal for Young Child Receiving Holy Communion in the 9th-12th Grade Person category!
Thursday, February 23
Edible Flowers
I've been enjoying our window box herb garden for several years and think it would be fun to venture into the world of edible flowers this year. I fully expect that it will be a flop since I've never started things from seed successfully, but it will be a fun experiment!
Monday, February 20
Hoop, There It Is!
Our youngest son's new passion is geology, so I took him to a little rock shop in a nearby town to find some new treasures for his collection. He's already planning his next visit. Luckily, I have fallen in love with fossils, which they also sell.
Saturday, February 18
Friday, February 17
Tuesday, February 14
Sunday, February 12
Saturday, February 11
Books Read in 2023: Aran: Recipes and Stories from a Bakery in the Heart of Scotland
Books Read in 2023: This lovely cookbook, Aran: Recipes and Stories from a Bakery in the Heart of Scotland by Flora Shedden, is full of lovely recipes and gorgeous photography.
Friday, February 10
Thrift Store Treasures
was so happy to find this book on Andrew Wyeth's Helga pictures because it reminds me of an exhibit of his work that @willfulmina and I got to see in Cooperstown many moons ago.
Duralex Picardi glasses are the start of a new collection. As charming
as the Bonne Maman jam jar drinking glasses have been, I'm ready for a