Saturday, January 27

Anti-Procrastination Challenge (Saturday)...

Today was a nice day with lots of family time and relaxation! We started our day with a delicious breakfast: pancakes and crispy bacon. Fr. John mixed the wet ingredients for the pancakes while I put together the dry and then he did fried them up while I tended the bacon (not hard, as I made it in the oven) and set the table. Scrumptious! We haven't had a big breakfast in several weeks and were beginning to really crave it!

Once the afternoon hit, we all began to feel sleepy. Since Husband finished his sermon earlier this week (we were all in anti-procrastination mode!), we were able to have a family nap... a treat that we all relish but don't have time to enjoy often. We cuddled up in the big bed and snoozed the afternoon away!

Though we enjoyed today as a family day (thanks for the suggestion, Mrs. Wilt!), I was able to accomplish a little project. I finally washed all of the clothes that now fit Baby Bear (she's wearing 6 month old clothing!). Now that it is clean and dry, she has three or four stretchy outfits and about 7 jumpers in addition to the plethora already in her closet and baskets! The clothes that we were given are just darling! I have already chosen her outfit for church tomorrow!

Monday is the last day of Mrs. Wilt's Anti-Procrastination Challenge at the The Sparrow's Nest. It's not too late to join!

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