I really enjoy your blog and your commitment to loveliness and frumpy to fabulous posts. I was wondering if you have any suggestions for readers like me that are interested in spiritual nourishing but do not have a strong religious Faith yet... I've got a Catholic upbringing but more 'formal' than innerly 'felt'.
Do you know of any books that would be suitable for me? I don't mind church 'differences', I really feel that Spirit is bigger than our limited egos..
thank you
Milan, Italy
Hello Antonella!
Thank for you visiting my blog! Many of the books that I would normally suggest come from an Orthodox Christian perspective. The only author that is coming to my mind right now is C.S. Lewis. Perhaps some of my readers can give you some more suggestions?
The Defense Never Rests: A Lawyer's Quest for the Gospel by Craig Parton.
Available at amazon.
I would be interested to know what books you would suggest from an Orthodox background. Lewis has written quite a few "non-denominational" takes on the Bible and spiritual things, as well as Bercot, of Scroll Publishing.
One of my favorite books I've read lately concerning "Spiritual things" has been "Faithful Women and their Extraordinary God," by Noel Piper. This book contains brief biographical sketches (20 pages or so) of five different women. This was my favorite read of 2007 and I found it to be very challenging to my own personal walk with the Lord as well as encouraging. And it's also a pretty exciting read--lives of missionaries and such. I read the book during my morning quiet time after reading the Bible. I would read just a few pages at a time, to make the book last longer and to really take time to consider what each woman had to teach me from her life.
I'm a lurker- popping in to suggest a couple of books...
John Stott's Basic Christianity is a great foundation....
N.T. Wright's Simply Christian...
and yes, Lewis' Mere Christianity would be a fine choice.
Blessings on your journey, Antonella!
Max Lucado is a wonderful author, with a deep faith, and a warm wit. He writes both children and adult books, his stories about the Wemmicks and their creator are wonderful! I was gifted his (children's) book You Are Special as a wedding gift, and it has become one of my favorite books, a wonderful story of God's grace. Best of luck to you!
I recommed The Story of a Soul by St. Therese of Liseux. She is called the Little Flower and she died a Carmelite at a very young age, but was made a Doctor of the Church because her spirituality was so simple and she showed that ordinary people doing their ordinary things can attain sanctity. It is a beautiful, easy to read, not too long book.
I was thinking about this a little more, and I've been reading Alice von Hildebrand's The Privilege of Being a Woman off and on for a few months, and it's very good. She is Catholic, but I think any Christian woman would find it helpful.
Hi Antonella!
I really enjoy Max Lucado and Beth Moore. Here are a list of books I think you'd enjoy..
Max Lucado:
Come Thirsty
In the Grip of Grace
A Love Worth Giving
The Applause of Heaven
He Chose the Nails
Beth Moore:
Jesus, The One and Only
A Heart Like His(study of King David)
Praying God's Word: Breaking Free from Spritual Strongholds
I hope this helps! Blessings on your day!
Anything written by Elisabeth Elliot will challenge, refresh and edify you.
The Case For Christ, by Lee Stroebel is fabulous and educational.
The Secret of A Happy Christian Life, by Hannah Whithall Smith is life changing.
You could also start with biographies of famous Christians like Amy Carmichael, or D.L. Moody, or Charles Spurgeon.
The Lord rewards those that diligently seek Him. (Hebrews 11:6)
Thank you Emma for hosting my request and thank you all for your kind suggestions. Keep'em coming!
I feel really inspired.
If you have a Catholic background I recommend Tom Howard's "On Being Catholic" It's not an apologetic so much as a beautiful picture of our faith. I think he might have meant it to be apologetic but I think you really need a Catholic background to get it.
My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers is a daily read that is fabulously inspiring.
I like Beth Moore and CS Lewis too.
Growing in Faith by Stephen B. Clark
It is one of those great books that anyone can read no matter where they are in their faith!
I was reading back through the "frumpy to fabulous" posts, being rather in need of them at the moment. I wanted to add to this list Beginning to Pray by Anthony Bloom , which is a tender book of guidance and support written by an Orthodox priest.
Mari K
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