Thursday, February 7

From Frumpy to Fabulous in Three Weeks...

I had a bit of an epiphany this afternoon. I was sitting on our couch nursing the baby and flipping through television channels to pass time. I came upon Tim Gunn's Guide to Style and enjoyed watching a young mother of two getting made over. The main theme of this episode was that mama needs to take care of herself so that she has enough to give back to the family.

The minute the show was over, I dashed upstairs, did my hair and makeup, moisturized my ashy legs, and changed out of my pajamas (mind you it was about 2 in the afternoon!). How's that for motivating t.v.?

Soon after, my daughter and I took a short walk around the neighborhood (husband was home with the baby, don't worry!) and when I wasn't pointing out the trucks, bulldozers, and earth-movers (there is construction being done around here and our little one is utterly fascinated), I concocted a plan!

I would like to transform myself from frumpy to fabulous in three weeks. I would like to be a better version of the Emma that I am now. It is hard to accept the post-baby body I have and have the will to improve myself when I am tired, but when an effort is made, the day somehow goes more smoothly. I've come up with 21 different things to work on that will improve the quality of life pretty much immediately (as long as I do them!).

Would you like to join me in this challenge?


Courtney said...

I'll try, but I think it's a lost cause for the near future!

Monica Wilkinson said...

This is such a lovely idea! I will try to join you as well - our new little one is only a week old and therefore, I may not be ready to do everything just yet! :) I know I will be inspired! Thank you!

Jen said...

This sounds like a great idea Emma! I would love to participate. Our new baby is due in 2 weeks but I'm certain improvement can be made before then. ;)

Anonymous said...

It never hurts to try!
I love the idea, I'm with you!
Cindee in Northern California

fireflymom said...

I've been working on this now, prior to baby #2. I gradually cut my hair from beyond should length the a shorter shag. It's taking some getting used to, but forcing me to style my hair and pay a little more attention to my appearance!

Darcy said...

I love this idea Emma and would love to join in!

Pattie - Chicagoland, IL said...

Count me in. Where do we start?

Robin said...

I'm with you. Starting a little bit late.

I'm off to get a glass of water. :-)

Melissa G said...

Yes! I'd like to join you in this challange! I want to go from frumpy to fabululous!

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