Tuesday, February 12

From Frumpy to Fabulous in Three Weeks: Day Five...

Day Five: Undergarments

I don't know about you, but the last thing I am worried about when I get dressed is how my unmentionables look. I am embarrassed to admit that most of my things are older than my marriage!

It is a good idea to take a look through your drawers and toss the things that don't fit or are no longer as fresh as they once were. Once you have purged your drawers, you can make a quick list of the things you need, get an accurately sized, and purchase your new undergarments.

Before you buy new things, be sure to take into account what you need as far as color and design. I often like to make sure that I have at least one set in nude so that I can keep my underthings under wraps if I am wearing a white top (the color will vary based upon your skin color, so choose carefully!).

Buying new unmentionables may seem like a frivolously waste of money, but it isn't! Not only will you feel prettier and much more comfortable in fresh and well-fitting garments, but you will give the clothing you wear a chance to look better fitting!

P.S. Before you go out to get yourself new undies, check your husband's drawer to see if he needs new things!

To read more about this challenge, click HERE.


Genuine Lustre said...

A lovely challenge. I try to do these things normally but refresher courses are always appreciated. : )

Mimi said...

I'm not a huge Oprah fan (not at all, actually) but I totally agree with her on the importance of getting fitted for bras. It changed my life to get the right size.

Robin said...

I was just thinking that some of my stuff was getting a bit ratty. Thanks for the permission and encouragement to do some upgrading.

Mimi said...

Love the photo of the dressing table and room!

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