Tuesday, February 5

Taking a (Small) Stand for Beauty...

When I was planning our little girl's first birthday party last year, I bought two cake stands from Marshall's to hold the cupcakes. On Sunday afternoon, I strolled into Marshall's while waiting for our car to finish getting it's oil changed and what do you think I saw? A tiny version of the two cake stands we already own! I promptly snapped it up! I have a feeling that this is going to be my very favorite stand of the trio... due to it's petite size, it doesn't look out of place for everyday use!


Courtney said...

I still cannot believe you and your luck at Marshall's! I need to come and take some lessons. I have Mommy Teach Me to Read on hold at the bookstore and I'm sooo tempted to make a Marshall's run while I'm at it! :-)

Courtney said...

Love the cake stands, by the way. It looks similar to the large one I have.

Heather Anne said...

I just bought the petite cake stand at Marshall's this weekend and was wishing there was a larger size - now I know to keep an 'eye out'! Great find!

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