Once we came home, we had a lunch of ham sandwiches and watched an episode of the PBS show, Manor House. Before the baby and I went to take an afternoon nap, I decided to make two steaming cups of hot chocolate. I topped each with baby marshmallows and we drank them right down! This delicious drink looked great in our white mugs... I think that this just might be a new Sunday afternoon treat for our little family!
I've seen bits and pieces of it, Mrs. R. Since our library has all of the dvds, I think that I'll borrow them. It seems like it is a good show. I really liked Frontier House! I wish that our library had the other dvds in this series!
I would love to see the other shows in this series, Mrs. R.! We haven't had a hance to finish Manor House, but I am really looking forwrd to it... from what we saw, it looked great. Unfortunatly, there seems to be bad language and nudity on many shows these days. It is unfortunate, becasue often times it is completly unnecessary!
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