I found this great review on Amazon for you:
The message of this book could be a blessing or a curse, depending on your perspective. There is no hard science, no clearly-defined plan, and no lists of food to have or have not; instead, you'll find simple tricks that boil down to eating carefully prepared seasonal food, exercising more and refusing to think of food as something that inspires guilt. It's both a practical message and far easier said than done in today's "no pain, no gain" culture.
Author Mireille Guiliano is CEO of Veuve Clicquot, and French Women Don't Get Fat offers a concept of sensible pleasures: If you have a chocolate croissant for breakfast, have a vegetable-based lunch--or take an extra walk and pass on the bread basket at dinner. Guiliano's insistence on simple measures slowly creating substantial improvements are reassuring, and her suggestion to ignore the scale and learn to live by the "zipper test" could work wonders for those who get wrapped up in tiny details of diet. She sympathizes that deprivation can lead straight to overindulgence when it comes to favorite foods, but then, in a most French manner, treats them as a pleasure that needs to be sated, rather than a battle to be fought.
A number of recipes are included, from a weight-loss enhancing leek soup to a lush chocolate mousse; they read more like what you'd find in a French cookbook rather than an American diet book. Most appealingly, these are guidelines and tricks that could be easily sustainable over a lifetime. If you agree that food is meant to be appreciated--but no more so than having a trim waist--these charmingly French recommendations could set you on the path to a future filled with both croissants and high fashion. --Jill Lightner
I saw the author interviewed one time and she says they primarily get their exercise through walking everywhere and daily life. There are very few gyms and such in France....at least that's what the author said.
Hello Mrs. R.,
It was no trouble at all! I'm sure that many people have never read the book and were wondering about it. I had a hard time articulating exactly what it was about, so I used the Amazon review. I thought that the author hit the nail on the head in this case:)
Mrs.B, that is one of my favorite things about Mireille Guiliano's message! I don't really like "organized" excersise, but I love to walk! It made me realize that I didn't have to go to the gym or use an excerise video to get good results (though there is nothing wrong with that!).
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