Our poor son had an isolated throwing up incident just after I posted last night's blog entry. He was sick all over his bed (and dear stuffed polar bear), down the ladder of the boys' bunk bed, and onto the carpet of their room. Ugh. It was such a huge mess. We did the best we could to clean it up last night.
Upon waking up today, it was clear that we needed to hire carpet cleaners to take care of the problem and we decided to have them tackle all the wall to wall carpet (we only have it in the bedrooms, fortunately). We deep cleaned all three rooms and closets in preparation for our appointment tomorrow and removed everything moveable. It looks so tidy and sparse now.
One fringe benefit from all of this is that we have been able to enjoy open windows all day today. I threw them open first thing and we have all been so happy to have the cool breeze blowing through the house.
You make everything look so lovely! What is the title of that little book? It looks like the perfect poetry companion for afternoon tea time.
Hi! The poetry book is called When Green Comes Tomatoes and is really lovely!
Lovely! Thank you. And Emma, I don't know if you've done this or not, but if you could do a post of your most favorite, most beautiful, most magical children's books that you've discovered, it would be delightful!
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