While discussing the advances of medical science over the years, Sugar
Plum (age 10) commented, "We are very fortunate that we no longer live
in a time like, say, 1999."
We say that in our family in all seriouness. My first child was born in 2000 and my sixth was born in 2011. He was born with a kind of heart defect that was diffucult to repair in 1999 and became routine by 2011. Those 11 years made all the difference between life and death for him had he been our first born.
Haha! Too Funny!
We say that in our family in all seriouness. My first child was born in 2000 and my sixth was born in 2011. He was born with a kind of heart defect that was diffucult to repair in 1999 and became routine by 2011. Those 11 years made all the difference between life and death for him had he been our first born.
Oh Goodness funny but true! And suddenly I am feeling old!
I feel like Methuselah now! Hahaha!!! Way back in the olden days of the 20th century life was so simple...
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