Monday, April 18

Church Painting: Day Thirteen...

The napkin is now wrapped around the wall by the steps and three more sections of the border was finished today.  

I spent several hours at urgent care with our youngest son today after he was accidentally poked in the eye with an arrow from a toy bow and arrow set (which we've now disposed of!).  The white of his eye was scratched, but he is going to be okay, thankfully!  The doctor was very kind and very gentle.  We have drops to put in his eye the next few days which should have him back to his old self pretty quickly.

Less than two weeks until Pascha!



elizabeth said...

oh so sorry! these things happen!!! but a worry to Mama!!! God bless you and keep you all!

the church is looking so beautiful!

Unknown said...

Oh no!! I'm so sorry to hear that. Prayers for a speedy recovery. I hope he is not in much pain.

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