Wednesday, April 13

Church Painting: Day Ten...


We worked on the border around the church today and I am so thrilled with how it turned out!  I was given the task of painting all of the red spaces that you see in the photographs along the walls in the nave (the choir loft and altar area still need to be colored in tomorrow) and as I moved along painting, I was struck by how fortunate we are to be part of this project.  For someone like me who has never painted walls, let alone painted a church, this is exciting and daunting and will probably never happen again in my lifetime.  I am trying to enjoy the process and find the right balance between my duties in our home and with our children and being part of this project.  I will say that I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow each night!

The plan for tomorrow is to add the white decorative lines to all of the areas that we colored in today (the last photograph is the only area where the border is complete) and continue in the never-ending quest to wrap up the little things that get left undone for one reason or another.  There is still so much to do in the church before our April 22nd deadline that I feel a bit daunted...  I am trying to only look at how much we accomplish each day rather than the long list of things yet to be completed.

1 comment:

elizabeth said...

how exciting, special and wonderful!

this is a good plan:

I am trying to only look at how much we accomplish each day rather than the long list of things yet to be completed.

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