Sunday, November 18

Novemeber 18th...

It's time for another Commitment to Loveliness! This is a fun way to increase femininity and beauty in our lives each week without even trying! All you have to do is choose five things that you would like to work on or do during the week that will increase the loveliness in your life!

Here is my list for this week:

1. Create centerpieces and work on craft ideas for Thanksgiving.
2. Light candles once we are in for the evening.
3. Take family walks several times this week.

4. Work on speaking more beautifully
5. Really savor time with family during Thanksgiving!

Once you have chosen five simple things, post them on your blog and link to this post in your post, and then post the direct link to your Commitment to Loveliness post below. If you do not have a blog, but have a commitment to share, please post them in the comments section.


Ciska said...

You're certainly focusing on your family this week! I love the tradition of Thanksgiving. I would love to celebrate it some day. We just don't have this feast over here.
This is the fourth week I will be joining 'Commitment to Loveliness'. Thank you for your great initiative!

Anonymous said...

This is actually the first comment I've ever posted on Blogger. I've enjoyed your blog for some time and think it's wonderful you're doing something that celebrates women being women as God intended.


I apologize for not using my full name... internet paranoia and all. :)

Courtney said...

Wow, I did my CtL yesterday and completely forgot to come over here and link! Yikes!

Sara said...

I forgot to let you know that I did my CTL on Wednesday...and forgot to link...

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