This Palm Sunday was really the best day! It was beautifully sunny (this week's weather is looking rather dubious), the church was packed, and we had a delicious fish fry for coffee hour thanks to the hard work of one of our families.
I had a little time before Bridegroom Matins tonight and tidied a few things up in our bedroom. I had planned to clean all of our icon corners before Great Lent even began, but I left the most untidy one in our bedroom to the last and promptly forgot it. Today, I removed everything, scrubbed the shelf, wiped the icons, and cleaned the oil lamp. Once everything was back in order, today's palms and pussy willows were tucked behind the icon of the Lord and I took a walk through the woods to bury the old ones.
I also got over my skittishness with a hammer and nails and hung up a few things. My favorite is a painting that I hung over my bedside table!
blessed Holy Week! lovely picture about the night table!
Your home is so lovely.
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