Rejoice, O holy
and divine abode of the most high! For through you, O Theotokos, joy is
given to those who cry: Blessed are you among women, O all-undefiled
I think your daughter's comment is amazing- how sweet! :) I am wondering about the middle picture of this post- is it a piece of artwork or a book? So beautiful!
Hi Elise! Thank you for your nice comments! The picture in the center is one that I took of a favorite page in Gerda Muller's book A Garden in the City.
I think your daughter's comment is amazing- how sweet! :) I am wondering about the middle picture of this post- is it a piece of artwork or a book? So beautiful!
So sorry- I meant your daughter's comment in the previous post, about Pascha and Bright Week... :)
Hi Elise! Thank you for your nice comments! The picture in the center is one that I took of a favorite page in Gerda Muller's book A Garden in the City.
Thank you so much- I'm adding it to my wishlist right now! :)
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