Thursday, July 18

Favorite Things...

Not too long ago, I came upon the blog Assortment, which is written by a woman who lives with her family of five in a cabin that is 665 square feet.  I really enjoy all the posts that she writes, but my favorite ones are about their living space.  In her kitchen tour post, I loved to see all of the ways that she organized her pots, pans, dishes, and utensils.  When I came to the photograph with her Corelleware, I was completely amazed by how she stored everything so tidily! My Corelleware is always a hodgepodge of precariously stacked lids and dishes and I was always nervous that something would come tumbling down when I opened the cupboard door.  Learning to to stack the dish with the inverted lid and then putting the smaller one on top was revolutionary for me!  I love to peek into this cabinet now...  off to conquer the pots and pans and baking sheets!


Michelle M. said...

That home is incredible! I love how simple and sparse it is. :)

WendyLady@GoodBooks said...

I'm completely intrigued by her blog! Now I'm inspired to see what I can do around my house. :) Her home speaks peace, but I have to say: I can't imagine all that white with three boys - and Alaska snow and mud!!!

elizabeth said...

wow, how neat. Sigh, my home is always so cluttered... thanks for the info and blog links... :)

Courtney said...

This does make more sense. I put the smaller one inside the larger than invert the smaller lid and put the larger lid on top of the whole thing. It works pretty well, but DUH! this looks MUCH better!

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