Wednesday, July 17

Yarn Along: Simplicity Parenting...

Nothing is new on the knitting front.  I am still working on my Seashore Cowl but have made very little progress...  instead of knitting, I have been reading Simplicity Parenting for the umpteenth time and going to sleep by 10:30.  A certain three-year-old, who shall remain nameless, has not been sleeping well at night.  If I don't cease being a night-owl while he goes through this phase, I would not be able to get through the day!  


elizabeth said...

oh dear... there's always something! glad you have a bit of time to read though...

Donna said...

I remember those days. We are now at the stage where I am begging her to be home by 11 pm so I can go to sleep! Every phase has it's challenges I guess.

Anonymous said...

I have two night owls so I can relate. My four year old still is a poor sleeper. Your project looks beautiful though.

MamaBirdEmma said...

I am so glad that I have something good to read, Elizabeth

MamaBirdEmma said...

Oh, Donna! I cannot even imagine! I'll trade tiredness for worry any day!

MamaBirdEmma said...

It's nice to think of other moms in similar circumstances, Lisa! Thank you!

Erin said...

Oh, I so dislike that stage! My toddler also is rising earlier and earlier over the past week and it's so not cool.

Beautiful beautiful knit!

MamaBirdEmma said...

Me too, Erin! I really love my sleep!

Joy said...

The cowl is lovely. I love the depth that the variation in color gives it.

MamaBirdEmma said...

Hi Joy!

The color for the yarn is called Opaline and I think that they really nailed it! It really does look like an opal.

Shirley Ann said...

That cowl is going to be beautiful! Great colour choice.

I had to admire your night-owl bed time of 10h30! I am usually asleep by that time latest, but last night I was quite riveted with my book - just had to finish it - when I switched off the light it was after midnight! Eeeep - not good for a busy mom.

steph said...

gosh, I've had a bit of insomnia....wish i was around to help!! love that cowl color! gorgeous.

Michelle said...

It's amazing how much sleep deprivation you can learn to live with -- even if it's not fun at the time. Hang in there!

Sarah said...

Yum, I love the color for your Seashore. It actually embodies my mental images of our seashores here in the Pacific Northwest.

Sorry about the sleep deprivation - I am with you on that front! If it's not the two month old, it's the two year old and if not the two year old then surely it will be one of those rare nights where my three year old wakes! I am finding I HAVE to have the light out by 11 in order to function during the day, but I would really much rather read or knit late into the night, so it takes a huge level of discipline for me! Hope your munchkin starts settling at night for you.

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to seeing the result! It looks deliciously soft♥

Erin said...

What a beautiful cowl. I love the colour.

Tonya Gunn said...

The cowl color is gorgeous and that is one book that has been on my to-read list forever. I can certainly relate to lack of sleep - I could probably count on one hand the uninterrupted nights of sleep over the last 19 years.

elflyn said...

Your cowl looks beautiful, what a perfect colour for a seashore cowl.
I hope your little one allows you a little more sleep and have a lovely week.

karen said...

I do hope that a certain someone who shall not be named sleeps better this week so you can knit away! Lovely yarn :)

CathieJ said...

Beautiful cowl. I remember those sleepless nights of little ones. My son used to wake up with night terrors. It gets better.

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