An abandoned church and vicarage we happened upon and would love to restore... Interestingly enough, the church began it's life in the late 1800's as a Presbyterian Church and then was turned into a Ukrainian Orthodox one (notice the not-very-Presbyterian Cross!).
How beautiful! That would be such an incredible experience. My husband always says that he wants to find some old abandoned church to turn into a house. But that is not going to happen :) We are definitely not the fixer-upper type of people- I wish we were.
My husband's dream is to live in a church. We saw one on a realty site in Ohio, I think, once. I think it had been an Orthodox Church. That would be something else! The church and vicarage here look so sweet. I can just imagine them restored to glory.
The HISTORY!!, and the things you could find hidden among the walls. I have a dear friend who was remodeling her home (a victorian) and as they were replacing the old staires they came across a diary and some clothes....from the 1800's. It was so neat
Wow! wouldn't that be a blessing? It's not a million dollars is it?
Wow! That certainly would be a lot of fun!
If you ever do it, you MUST blog all about it! :)
Heck! A million? Seriously!? It's so beautiful and quaint, I can see why you would love to... my interior design noggin went into overdrive in half a second *grin* Go on... do it! Just so I can see the pictures. hehe.
I don't think that it's even for sale. I would hope that it isn't a million... everything is in such dis-repair. Some parishioners mentioned it and said that they *think* that the property is 30 acres or so. Can you imagine?
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