Awhile ago, I came across a great idea in the Pottery Barn Kid's catalog. It was a rectangular shaped basket that was advertised as being perfect as a
diaper caddy. Since we have two floors and I will (God willing) soon have two children, I decided to make up one of my own. I bought the basket at Michael's (50% off!) and filled it with diapers (either cloth or disposable), wipes, diaper rash cream, and a change of clothes. While I don't think that I will be using it until the new baby comes, it will really come in handy then!!
What a great way to adapt that! Whohooooo!
Cute idea- very presentable and portable!
This makes an excellent gift as well. One of dh's colleagues gave me a basket with a lovely outfit, a soft chenille baby blanket, some yummy smelling baby lotion, powder and baby soap, a pack of cute bibs, a rubber duck, and a precious burp cloth embroidered with my daughter's initial. The basket itself was lined with a pink gingham check, and it was white wicker. I have loved and used ever item, and the basket sits by the crib holding diapers, wipes, burp cloths, lotion and powder.
That's a great idea...especially since traveling up and down many times a day with a toddler and a newborn will be wearying!
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