Wednesday, January 20

January Days...

The paperwhites bloomed earlier this week and though I have to prop them up a few times a day, they really are dear little flowers.  They are the perfect anecdote to these frosty January days.  Their heady scent is simply filling the kitchen!

Speaking of frigid temperatures, I've been making an effort to get us all outside this week and I think that the fresh air and exertion is so very good for everyone.  The children have very little trouble finding things to do for an hour or two out-of-doors, but I find that I just can't sit on the steps in the cold weather without freezing.  To keep myself warm, I've been trying to find something to do while they play.  So far I have spent time stacking firewood, sweeping, tidying the shed, bringing out garbage and recycling, and briskly walking around the woods.  We richly deserve the hot chocolate and steaming mugs of tea we enjoy when we come indoors!

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