Monday, January 4

Eleven Pipers Piping...

Though we still have two days left of Christmas, we did have to start back to speech therapy today.  Monday is Little Man's day and so he and I set out alone (usually all of the children come, but today they wanted to enjoy a movie by the fire...  I can't say that I blame them!), but I forgot that it was a speech testing day to see if he was ready to be discharged.  He scored 100% and is done with speech therapy!  Oh, happy day!  We'll still be going for awhile with Button (he just started in September), but it will be nice to only have to go one day a week, rather than two.

Since tomorrow is a strict fast day to prepare for Theophany, we opted to make Christmas butter cookies today.  I used a recipe from King Arthur Flour and was very pleased with the results.  Each of the children took a turn cutting out their cookies and decorating them and it was quite relaxing that way. This year I followed the recipe's suggestion and used a pastry brush to paint the cookies with eggs white and water before decorating with sprinkles and it worked beautifully!  In the past, I have not used egg white and the sprinkles just fall right off.

There will be a lot to get done tomorrow:  tidying the house for the feast, shopping for gallons of water to be blessed, and church services.  It's nice to follow the final day of Christmas with a feast day of even greater importance...  Theophany is nearly here!


DJL said...

I love the picture behind your Nativity figures. Can you tell me where its from?
Thank you!

MamaBirdEmma said...

Hi Dana, it is a children's book entitled The Story of Christmas by Pamela Dalton. It is simply beautiful... I highly recommend it!

MA F said...

Congratulations Little Man!
We have had 3 go through speech and graduation day is always wonderful.
A nice last Christmas reward for all his hard work.

Katya said...

Congratulations on graduating out of speech therapy! That's fabulous! 2 of my 3 kids have had physical therapy weekly (Maja still has it but she is at once a month now). There's no better feeling than being discharged from it forever!

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