Tuesday, December 15

Edible Bird Houses...


The trio and I took a little class on making edible bird houses tonight.  It is quite easy to make these sweet little things!  We were given small wooden bird houses that we spread with peanut butter and dipped into different tubs of birdseed.  We pressed raisins and cranberries into the peanut butter to add some color and then decorated the tops with evergreen trimmings, cinnamon sticks, and ribbon.  We'll put these little houses out tomorrow and once all of the edibles are enjoyed by our feathered friends, I think that we will replenish the peanut butter, birdseed, and fruits throughout the winter.


elizabeth said...

so fun and dear!! and good for the birds!!!

Unknown said...

I LOVE this idea. Much more solid that other homemade bird feeders.

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