Today my daughter, Sugar Plum, is going to be guest posting her Yarn Along! Sugar Plum is eight and has been knitting for two years... in fact, she is the reason that I learned! Enjoy!
I am making an apron for my doll. I got this yarn for my namesday in a book on knitting that my Mama and Papa gave me. I just finished a book called Mercy Watson to the Rescue by Kate DiCamillo. It's really good. It is about a pig to the rescue. The pig gets in her bed and gets scared of the dark. She climbs in bed with Mr. and Mrs. Watson. The bed starts to break the floor, but all Mercy can think about is hot, buttery toast. This book is funny! You should read this book!
Hello Sugar Plum! Your yarn is delightful...purple is my favorite color. I'm glad to hear your review of the book- I'm always looking for books for my daughter, who is 8. Who am I fooling? It sounds like a book I'd like to read too! :)
That sounds like a great book, I may try leading it aloud to my little ones. Also, your knitting is lovely. I would love to see more progress posts!
What beautiful knitting. We love the Mercy Watson books at our house. She is so funny!
Good job Sugar Plum!! you are doing so well!!! That looks like a neat knitting book and book you read too!! and I love the colour of your yarn! :)
Your yarn is beautiful Sugar Plum! And I thoroughly enjoyed your book review. Excellent job!
Your yarn is beautiful and I loved the description of the book. It sounds fun, I will have to read it.
When I saw the title of the this post was Mercy Watson, I KNEW I had to click the link. We love Mercy Watson at our house and that book made me laugh out loud when I read it to my little girls!! We love all the books by Kate DiCamillo, except some of them are a little too serious for my little ones, since they are quite young. My favorite is The Tale of Despereaux. What lovely knitting and what a lovely book review!
that's a really nice yarn, I really like how the colors show on the project :) good job! I hope you'll share your finished project with us when it's done :)
that's a really nice yarn, I really like how the colors show on the project :) good job! I hope you'll share your finished project with us when it's done :)
Great job on your knitting! My kids really enjoyed Mercy Watson, too. Thank you for sharing what you are knitting and reading right now.
This is wonderful!...Beautiful yarn and sounds like a great book...Good for you Sugar Plum :-)
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