The Twelve Days of Christmas
St. Basil’s Day
Sanctity of Life Sunday
The New Martyrs of Russia
Stovetop Popcorn
Take down Christmas décor (After Theophany)
Revamp winter menu plans
Clean car
Declutter and organize linens
Create a shopping list for needed linens
House Blessing
Update framed photographs
Update Mantle décor
Buy and fill out calendar
Christmas Thank You notes
Wash all of the linens on each bed
Complete Kate's Honey Cowl
Start Riverbank Cowl to Freshen Winter Wardrobe
Finish Reading Light a Penny Candle
Read An Episode of Sparrows
12 Days of Christmas
Special Days
Full Wolf Moon (5th)
+Grandma Joyce (7th)
Poppy Chick (9th)
Grandfather James(11th)
Auntie Juliana (15th)
AA Milne’s birthday (18th)
Popcorn Day (19th)
Practice being still and quiet during services and prayers
Practice Venerating Icons Properly
The Sign of the Cross for Button
Practice chanting the Trisagion Prayers
The Blessing of the Atlantic for TheophanyListen to Peter and the Wolf
Tidying up Toys after Play
Clearing the Table after Meals
Read Pippi Longstocking for Book Club
The March for Life in Washington D.C.
Visit The National Gallery of Art
Read Nature Table Scene
Book Basket
Watercolor Pencils
Fold Window Stars
Lacing Cards
Memory Games and Puzzles
Inside hide and seek
Feed birds
Polish wooden toys together
Weaving, Knitting Tower, and Knitting Fork Fun
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