Sunday, March 16

Copywork: Emily Dickinson...

I spend a little time each week looking for interesting things for my children to write in their copybooks, usually based upon a theme.  I will post them here each week as a record for myself and as a help to any other family that wishes to use them.


This week, I will be asking the children to work on copying a poem by Emily Dickinson.  We will write it on nice paper and work on it slowly throughout the week.  Once it is all written, we will decorate the paper and hang them up in a prominent spot. 

DEAR March, come in!   
How glad I am!   
I looked for you before.   
Put down your hat—   
You must have walked—            
How out of breath you are!   
Dear March, how are you?   
And the rest?   
Did you leave Nature well?   
Oh, March, come right upstairs with me,           
I have so much to tell!
I got your letter, and the bird’s;   
The maples never knew   
That you were coming,—I declare,   
How red their faces grew!           
But, March, forgive me—   
And all those hills   
You left for me to hue;   
There was no purple suitable,   
You took it all with you.           
Who knocks? That April!   
Lock the door!   
I will not be pursued!   
He stayed away a year, to call   
When I am occupied.           
But trifles look so trivial   
As soon as you have come,   
That blame is just as dear as praise   
And praise as mere as blame.


Our Family said...

Have you checked out the absolutely beautiful childrens poems in the Flower Fairies series by Cecily M. Barker? There are 4 for the four seasons - Flower Fairies of the Spring, of the Summer, of the Autumn, of the Winter. The illustrations are breathtaking too! I think you would enjoy them!

MamaBirdEmma said...

Thank you for reminding me about the Flower Fairies books! I have them, but have forgotten to use them for Copywork and the poems would be perfect!

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