Saturday, January 4

The Tenth Day of Christmas...

I forgot to tote around the big camera today and so you are getting a photograph of what I seem to do every night after bedtime:  knit while watching television and drinking hot cocoa (though the cocoa is a bit of a treat...  normally it is something a little less delicious).  It's kind of hard to believe that we are nearing the end of the Christmas season.  January is such a nice month though.  There is always the hope that it will snow and there are lots of cozy days spent beside the fire with plenty of warm soup, hot muffins, and forced bulbs. 

We were able to get a few books from the library today and I am excited to get back into our school routine on Monday.  I had a bad dream the other night that we tossed out all of our school books and started using something completely new and different.  Instead of getting smarter, the kids were getting dumber.  It sounds really silly now, but I woke up in a cold sweat.  It's is kind of a riot that I am that parent. 

Remember that Downton starts tomorrow!  Exciting!


Unknown said...

I have been counting the days to its return. I have BIG plans to fold laundry and watch it tonight.

Jen said...

So excited about the return of Downton Abbey! I have it set to record in case I get tied up with the kiddos while it is on.

I love the photo you posted. I feel relaxed and cozy just seeing it. :)

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