Thursday, January 30

Onion Skins for Red Eggs...

Though Pascha (Easter) seems so far away (this year it is April 20th), I have already begun to save onion skins.  For the past two years I have gathered them up, but I want to get an early start so that I have have a lot to dye our eggs a gorgeous, deep red naturally.  I am collecting them in a bag underneath my kitchen sink and am really looking forward to Great and Holy Friday to start dyeing!  Does anyone else do this? 


MA F said...

Oh onion skins! I am glad I saw this early! We always dye our eggs with onion skins, Of course now that we have discovered our ds's hives and swelling has been being triggered by alliums I need to find a new method...rats.
I can't think of how i am going to get red naturally with out onions.

tanyakoenig said...

We do! Thanks for the reminder to start saving our skins (:

monica said...

this is my first year to think ahead enough to do this. :) i have them in mesh bag in the pantry. not ideal, but less damp than under our sink.

MamaBirdEmma said...

Hi Ma F.! One of my facebook friends mentioned that you might want to try beets! Hope that helps!

Anonymous said...

Oh, thanks for the reminder! I never remember to save them early enough, and have been known to frantically peel a big bag of onions during Holy Week in order to have dye, only to have to struggle to find a use for so many onions all at once!

Flambeaux said...

We started doing this last year as we began our journey East.

MA F said...

Oh thanks! I will try the beets and let you know...maybe we will have red dying practice party for Valentine's :)

Anna said...

We start saving onion skins when the Nativity Fast begins (seems like we use so many onions during that time of year). Our teens dye several hundred eggs for the whole parish on Holy Friday when they spend the night at the church keeping vigil, so we need a lot of onion skins. I have even begun to recruit several other moms to save them just to have enough! I keep them in a zippered baggie in the refrigerator - no smell and they don't usually mold that way.

As for beets - you will get a magenta color, not the Pascha red you want. Onions really are the best color, I think they even do better than the Greek red dye our church used to use - and the color won't come off on your hands like dye will!

Anonymous said...

Yes! I learned to do this one year when I was staying at a monastery for a while, so the next year I saved onion skins for dying. Doing it again this year for sure!

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