Tuesday, January 28

Pretty Pictures...

Yesterday was hard, but when I looked at the images that I had captured on the camera, I did notice the beauty that was around me.  I am really struggling with some things that have come up and it has helped so much to have a project to knit.  I am so thankful that I was given the gift of a friend who taught me to knit.  I have found a part of myself that I didn't even know that I was missing.

Today I will do the things that bring me joy:  being with my sweet children, cooking something scrumptious,  stocking the pantry (there may be a little bit of snow coming our way!), knitting, ordering candles for the weekend (don't forget The Meeting of the Lord!), cuddling by the fire, talking to my sisters, and just being happy and thankful.


elizabeth said...

sorry for the struggle; things can be hard.... was actually thinking of you esp. yesterday...

knitting is a huge gift to us!

Lucy said...

Sending you love, you shining woman x knitting is a great help - I'm missing having a project on the go. I need new socks and keep stalking the yarn shop but talk myself out of it - my bare toes aren't happy with me! I hope you know how lovely you are xx

Mimi said...

Hugs and prayers to you, my friend.

MamaBirdEmma said...

Thanks everyone! I am feeling better already:)

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