Sunday, January 20

Steps for a Successful Nap...

1. Lower the shades, draw the curtains, and lock the telephone in the bathroom...

2. Gather up some good books...

3. Find the bunny, the Boppy, and the blanket...

4. Snuggle down and head off to Dreamland!


Courtney said...

Very timely post. DS hasn't been napping lately and I was very afraid he was dropping his nap. What worked today, though, was advice I read on Mothering: replicate the bedtime routine. I didn't do it exactly (didn't change his clothes), but everything else was the same and it worked. Let's hope it continues to produce results.

MamaBirdEmma said...

It's funny that you mention your troubles with naptime... we are having the opposite problem with bedtime. Our girl just doesn't want to go to sleep! I am sorry to say that our newborn is less wakeful/restless during the night than our toddler! I will try to implement our naptime routine in the evening. Here's hoping that it works!

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