Sunday, October 21

October 21st...

It's time for another Commitment to Loveliness! This is a fun way to increase femininity and beauty in our lives each week without even trying! All you have to do is choose five things that you would like to work on or do during the week that will increase the loveliness in your life!

Here is my list for this week:

1. Work on the nightstand project...
2. Prepare tea and a delicate snack each afternoon to enjoy with a chapter or two from Jan Karon's In This Mountain
3. Decide on a baby shower theme for a friend and get necessary supplies to pull it off

4. Continue writing down purchases in Expenditure Notebook to further reduce spending
5. Now that Baby is officially weaned, get her to sleep in her own bed throughout the night

Once you have chosen five simple things, post them on your blog and link to this post in your post, and then post the direct link to your Commitment to Loveliness post below. If you do not have a blog, but have a commitment to share, please post them in the comments section.


Mrs. Pharris said...

I love this idea! Thank you so very much!

Anonymous said...

I love this idea!

Anonymous said...

This is a great idea! I just recently found your blog, I love it. I posted mine, thanks!


SimpleFolk said...

What a wonderful idea! Thank you for sharing it, as well as your lovely blog. I enjoyed my visit and look forward to returning. :o)


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