1. Read (or retell) pages 22 and 23 in Celebrating the Twelve Days of Christmas.
2. Place one small candle for each child in your home in a pretty centerpiece to remember the Holy Innocents who were the first to suffer for Christ*
3. Collect clothes, toys, or baby supplies to give to your local crisis pregnancy center
4. Look at all of the Christmas cards you received this year (especially the ones with photos included!) with your little ones. Tuck them into an envelope labeled with the year and put it into your ornament box to compare to next year's cards with this year's, next Christmas!
5. Start reading a Christmas chapter book together. One of our favorites is The Lion in the Box
Using Celebrating the Twelve Days of Christmas as a framework, I am going to plan little activities and readings for the Twelve Days of Christmas. Because of family obligations (we have two family parties back-to-back these next two days) and church events (Metropolitan Tikhon is visiting our parish this coming weekend!), we will not get to everything. However, it will be nice to refer to these Christmas Learning Baskets in future years. Also, I would love to hear your suggestions for things to add... this is a work in progress!
*Idea taken from Celebrating the Twelve Days of Christmas
Lovely snowflakes!
You have such a wonderful way of celebrating the birth of Jesus.
Thank you so much for suggesting this little book and for taking the time to post about it when things are so busy!
The kiddos really are enjoying it.
Thank you for mentioning the Lion in the Box. Although I really like the Door in the Wall, I hadn't heard of this story before. When you posted it, I looked for it online (out of print!) and then requested it from the library. We are enjoying it, and will keep our eyes out for a used copy to add to our collection of Christmas books.
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