Thursday, August 16


This past week, I finished ten of the Petite French Farmhouse Dishcloth Pattern No.1!  The little ones have been enjoying them in their baths and it has given me a lot of happiness to see a stack of washcloths that I made sitting in a basket near the tub!

Once I finished the little washcloths, I got started right away on making Waffle Knit Dishcloths.  Though this pattern uses the knit stitch and the purl stitch (which I learned for the last pattern), I have found it difficult to get the hang of it.  I have made three washcloths so far (four if you count the one that  was nearly finished and had to be ripped out due to such severe problems) and each one has something really wrong with it.  I think that the main problem is that I keep losing my place while knitting and though I keep a checklist for each row, I have to really concentrate on what I am doing in order to get it right.  I feel like I am getting a bit better with each dishcloth that I do, so hopefully by the time I reach 20 I'll have gotten the hang of it.  So far, I have been able to complete one washcloth or dishcloth each day and so am on target to finish the washcloths and dishcloths by September.  

How are your projects coming along? 


Luba said...

After tearing back a shawl 5-6 times (who's counting), I finally got the hang of the very simple lace chart. Onward I go, finally!

Matushka Anna said...

Good for you! My projects are in a chronic state of incompleteness.

Mimi said...

Oooh, waffleweave! Wow! You are a rock star.
I am very slowly learning how to sew.

Monica said...

Though it's been ages since I've knitted, sometimes I used to keep my place with a short prayer. For instance, where the waffle pattern has groups of 3 stitches (K2P1) or (P2K1), I would say with each stitch, Hold God (K1), Holy Mighty (K1), Holy Immortal (P1) Have mercy on us. Then start over. Or some variation of that. You are inspiring me to pick back up those needles!

MamaBirdEmma said...

I am glad that you were able to get over that hump, Luba! It's exciting to conquer something difficult!

MamaBirdEmma said...

Thanks, Matushka Anna! I love the work that you do!

MamaBirdEmma said...

Thanks, Mimi! Good luck with sewing! That it another skill I am hoping to learn!

MamaBirdEmma said...

Great idea Monica! I will give it a try! I hope that you can find time to pick up your needles again... I am really enjoying it:)

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