Wednesday, August 15


In giving birth thou preservest thy virginity,
In falling asleep thou didst not forsake the world, O Theotokos.
Thou wast translated to life, O Mother of Life,
And by thy prayers, thou deliverest our souls from death.
The Learning Basket for Dormition can be found HERE.


Mat. Anna said...

Blessed Feast!

Unknown said...

thank you for helping us make our feast a little more special with the suggestions in your learning basket. I learned a lot just preparing for the day and I was surprised how excited my son was to wear blue. He's a bit too young to serve in the alter, but he was pleased to feel a part of it in this way.

MamaBirdEmma said...

I hope that you had a blessed feast, Matushka Anna!

MamaBirdEmma said...

I am so glad that your son enjoyed wearing blue today, Annon! Our little ones had their outfits picked out for a few days before the feast!

MamaBirdEmma said...

It was a sick day here, Apseed! Our older two children had a tummy bug and the baby had double ear infections and strep. Everyone seems to be on the mend... I am thankful that it wasn't worse and that we'll be able to be up and about today since it is our parish's feastday today:)

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