Thursday, June 21

Keeping a Clean Kitchen...

If there is one thing that I don't like to do, it is clean.  However, since I like a reasonably tidy home and there is no Alice in our future, I find it easiest to keep up with messes as they happen. Therefore, I try to do the following on a daily basis:

1.  Keep Up with the Dishes
2.  Wipe the Counters and Table after Every Meal
3.  Mop Up Spills as They Happen
4.  Sweep the Floor Once a Day
5.  Take Out the Garbage and Recycling Every Evening

I find that if I go though this mental checklist after each meal (or at the very least, after dinner!), the kitchen is kept in pretty good order.  Obviously, there are days when the basics are barely done or ones when I never seem to leave the kitchen!  Every day is different around here!

I think that it is also very important to enlist the help of any little ones there are around your home.  Even a toddler can help clear the dishes (with supervision!), wipe the table, help with the sweeping (we found sturdy little brooms at Home Depot that are just their size!), and bring recycling out.  Cleaning up doesn't have to be drudgery!  It can be a fun, family affair that is a continuation of the family meal!

What are your tips for keeping a clean kitchen?


Kelly said...

I love the pictures of the birds! They are so pretty. Were they hand painted?

MamaBirdEmma said...

Actually, they were a Mother's Day present a few years ago... my husband bought them at Harris Teeter's!

priest's wife - S.T./ Anne Boyd said...

a tip (maybe it is obvious): have a good non-toxic cleaner on hand so you or the children can clean a spill even while babies, pets and food are around. I like to use white vinegar but Simple Green works nicely on tough messes. If I have to move everybody and everything out of the way of a mess before I clean it- I might wait, and that makes it more difficult

MamaBirdEmma said...

Thanks! I usually use soap and water for most messes. When I need to disinfect, I use Mrs. Meyer's cleaning solution!

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