What happens when technology and big money work together for God's Glory? Just watch this great presentation of Moscow Exhibition Rebirth of Orthodoxy!
I think that it is especially important to view the images of the persecution that the Orthodox Church of Russia endured during Communism that are towards the middle of this video. I don't think that we can comprehend how horrific that time was for Christianity without seeing footage like that.
So beautiful. So heart-breakingly, light-dawningly beautiful.
Aweful indeed to see the heart-breaking destructiveness of that terrible regime; beautiful and inspiring to see such reverence and devotion now. To God be the glory. Thankyou so much for sharing this.
[Valerie, NZ]
amazing video. Thank you so much for posting.
Lord have mercy...what tears this has brought to me this morning... sad and joyful...
thank you for sharing.
To God be the glory for all things †
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