Tuesday, April 27

To Line or Not to Line...

We bought these baskets for our changing table four years ago when Sugar Plum was born. They have been wonderful for keeping all of the baby paraphernalia that needs to be kept in arms reach all organized. As I was tidying up the changing table last night in preparation for No. Three, I finally had the courage to toss the basket liners into the wash (I have had bad luck washing liners... they always seem to shrink and fray.). Fortunately, they came out fine, but I kind of like how the baskets look without the liners. Fr. John likes them with the liner better.

What do you think?


magda said...

I like them with the liner better, too.

Lucy said...

I always have removed liners since if I don't, my children will. And they just drop them on the floor or crumple them up and hide them. But I do honestly prefer the look of baskets without liners, so I am happy that way. I keep a couple of liners for baskets that are old and "well-loved" as teeny playmobil parts could fall through the gaps or delicate fabrics could snag, and I like to know I have liners to optimise the possibilities for those baskets.

Matushka said...

Hi Matushka! Thanks for your kind words and prayers!

Boy, that's tuff. I like them both ways. You can keep the baskets lined for awhile and then not for awhile. My liners always shrink too, so the choice is usually made for me...

I'm sure you all are getting so very excite about the new little one. What a blessing!


Mimi said...

I like the liner better, but they are both pretty.

MissMelanie said...

I threw out the liners for my baskets before baby #3...and was so glad I did! No more fussing with them to keep them on straight, less to wash (which always helps!) and it was like having something "new". Baby #4 is on the way now, and I am spray painting them (and some other baskets that don't currently match them) all the same to add a pop of color to my changing table...also a white Jenny Lind!

Kimara said...

It's nice to leave a liner in if you will be storing things inside that may snag on the wicker. Knit items are especially susceptible to snagging. Just throwing this out... why not go a little wild and crazy and leave one without, for diapers and such, and one with, for clothing :) Either way, it's such a lovely look, you can't go wrong.

Grace at Home said...

(whispers) I like the liners. :) Congratulations on No. Three!

Anonymous said...

Recently we became foster resource parents to a 3 year old and her baby baby sister(who is now 3 weeks old) and I have found using baskets to house the much needed items like diapers and wipes to be of good service, as far as liners go I guess it depends on personal preference of what is being placed in the baskets.. if they are delicates then yes a liner if not then go with out.

Anna said...

I love liners :) though I agree, they often don't wash well

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