Our poor little boy took a tumble yesterday and ended up having to take a ride in an ambulance to the ER. He has a cut under his chin that wasn't too bad - it just needed a bit of skin glue to keep it together. Unfortunately, the same can't be said for inside his mouth. We aren't sure exactly what injuries he has, only that one tooth seems to have been moved and there is a deep cut on his gum. We're headed to the pediatric oral surgeon today for a 10:30 am appointment to find out what is going on. I'm mostly worried because he has been unable to eat, drink, or nurse for 14 hours now. Please keep us in your prayers.
I'll update later and try to put up Learning Basket pictures tonight. Thank you!!
I'll be praying for him today. So sorry this happened.
Poor little guy! I will pray for him. And you, too.
Prayers, Emma! Do let us know how the appt. goes.
praying...God Bless.
Still praying for you and mom and my sister are thinking of you too! Mom said to tell you my sister was just like your little one. Keep us posted!
Yikes! Lord have Mercy, Prayers indeed.
Praying for your little stunt man - and you, as I know how worrying and upsetting children who fling themselves about can be!
Praying for you, the little man and the entire family.
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