Monday, September 1

Labor Day Meme...

In honor of the Labor Day weekend, Shannon has posted a labor meme.

To play along, just copy the questions to your own post and go leave your link with Mr. Linky at Shannon’s place. Please take a moment to leave your link here in the comments too - I would love to read your post!

How long were your labors?

1. For our daughter I was induced at 35.5 weeks. They started the induction at about noon on May 25th and I didn't deliver until 4:03am on May 26th. I didn't actually go into labor until 10 or 11 pm though, so I was "in labor" for about 5 or 6 hours.

2. I was in labor with our son for 6 hours.

How did you know you were in labor?

  1. When I begged for an epidural to relieve my suffering - though I was also on magnesium (high blood pressure) which cased me to feel like I also had the 'flu.
  2. When my water broke, at 32 weeks gestation, outside of the doors of the hospital.

Where did you deliver?

Our daughter was born in a hospital bed and our son was born on the floor of the hospital lobby.


I had an epidural and magnesium(for high blood pressure) for our daughter and nothing for our son. I highly recommend nothing! I had a much easier recovery the second time around.



Who delivered?

A doctor delivered our daughter and I delivered my son's head and a nurse caught his body.


Kim @ Homesteader's Heart said...

Wow I'd like more info on your son's birth lol. That must have been a close call it sounds. Whew all these stories are making me want another lol.

Mimi said...

I love birth stories, sigh!

Jenny said...

wow - just read about #2's delivery. you were so brave & calm. glad that everything turned out all right for you & your little one.

Xenia Kathryn said...

Awesome! I love it.

I agree, zero drugs makes recovery MUCH quicker.

I just love your son's birth story.

He & Me + 3 said...

That is quite the story for your son's baby book.

positivechaos said...

That was so fun...thanks for sharing below is the link to my blog and my labor day MeMe

Courtney said...

I did mine!

Anonymous said...

This is my first time to your blog but I love what you've done with the place! LOL. Love your bookshelf and love love love your McCain/ Palin button. Though try as I may I couldn't find the link to add it to my own...? I'm new, can you help?

I played along with the Labor Day meme too. Stay Blessed! ~Whitney

Anonymous said...

I love this! I played along as well.

Anonymous said...

You are invited to:

Name That Chocolate Dessert Contest
September 1 - 13

First Prize: Hot Chocolate Dress from Emberlish

Second Prize: Chocolate Orange Lil Grubby Candle from The Soap Maker's Shop

Hope to see you there!

Deborah & Colleen
The Chocolistas

Deborah @ Comfort Joy Designs

Colleen @ Mommie Daze

MamaBirdEmma said...

Hi Whitney!

Here's how to add the McCain Button:

Right click on the button to save it to your computer. Once it is saved, go to your Blogger dashboard. Click on "Layout." Click on Add a "Gadget." Click "Add a Picture." Click "Browse" and find the button on your computer. If you'd like, put in McCain/Palin's website by copying it and pasting it on the link line. Once you finish this, you are ready to hit "save." The pop up window will disappear. Click "save" once more on the add and arrange page elements page. Click "view blog" and check out your handiwork!!

MelissaW said...

Adding mine now! Thanks for the idea!

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