What irritates me is that she used one of my favorite Christmas carols in this off-the-wall ad. Y'know, she's targeting women in your age group, Emma -- that should make not voting for her all the sweeter. Universal Pre-K, indeed -- can anyone say "Soviet Union"?!?!
Reason NOT to vote for Hillary? Wow...I saw it as reasons TO vote for her. I guess that shows how different people's perceptions are.
While it's certainly debatable whether or not she's the best candidate to accomplish these goals, I don't see where it's very debatable that these are worth goals.
Do you NOT believe everyone deserves health care?
Do you NOT believe that we must find alternative (renewable) energy sources?
Should we NOT want our troops to come home? (As someone who lives in a military town, I find this notion appalling.)
Do middle class Americans NOT deserve some form of tax relief, or is that only a privilege of the rich?
And universal Pre-K....I'd be very curious to know why you'd oppose this. Shouldn't all children have the opportunity to start school on an equal level?
You have GOT to be KIDDING ME!
Wow... That's kind of strange.
What irritates me is that she used one of my favorite Christmas carols in this off-the-wall ad. Y'know, she's targeting women in your age group, Emma -- that should make not voting for her all the sweeter. Universal Pre-K, indeed -- can anyone say "Soviet Union"?!?!
Lol, Meg! Your comment about the Soviet Union cracks me up!
Reason NOT to vote for Hillary? Wow...I saw it as reasons TO vote for her. I guess that shows how different people's perceptions are.
While it's certainly debatable whether or not she's the best candidate to accomplish these goals, I don't see where it's very debatable that these are worth goals.
Do you NOT believe everyone deserves health care?
Do you NOT believe that we must find alternative (renewable) energy sources?
Should we NOT want our troops to come home? (As someone who lives in a military town, I find this notion appalling.)
Do middle class Americans NOT deserve some form of tax relief, or is that only a privilege of the rich?
And universal Pre-K....I'd be very curious to know why you'd oppose this. Shouldn't all children have the opportunity to start school on an equal level?
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