When I saw Dr. Laura's latest book in paperback on the shelf at Walmart yesterday, I snapped it up. Though I am only a few pages into the book so far (I am reading the Anne series after all!), I wanted to tell you all that what I've read is quite good! Here are a few excerpts for your reading pleasure:
"Chivalry is largely dead, and feminism is the murderer. It soured both males and females on the joy, awe, wonder, excitement, thrill, satisfaction from and mystery of femininity and masculinity. The war between the sexes is an all-out war. Spouses more likely suffer from behavior that resembles sibling rivalry where there is compitition for resources and power verses "giving," and "sleeping with the enemy" where men are the "evil empire" and women are self-centered, complaining, and demanding rather than two folks who thank God every day for the blessing of their marriage partner and the opprotunity to live for something other and outside of themselves."
"People call me eveyday on my radio program with minor complaints, resentments, confusuion, and bitterness in their marriage. With all the different combinations and permutations of people and problems, there are three points that I always try to make:
1. Treat your spouse as if you loved them with your last breath - no matter how contrary to that you might feel at any one moment.
2. Think hard every day about how you can make their life worth living.
3. Be the kind of person you would want to love, hug, come home to, and sacrifice for."
And that is just from the introduction!
Fantastic quotes!! Share more sometime.
Maria @ Free to Fly is starting a marriage challenge- (A Year of Romance.) I think you would have alot to offer. I've sooo enjoyed reading your blog. I especially enjoy your "Finishing School" posts and the ones on "A Commitment To Loveliness." I feel a kindred spirit w/ you. I'm a 30 year old Christian wife and SAHM! I'm tying to know fully the love of the Lord and to love him completely! I consider myself a lady- not a woman mind you, because there is a difference- but a lady. And I strive to face adversity w/ elegance. Just thought I'd finally introduce myself! Blessings!
That is a good book. I have to too, but I confess I've only read the first half. You should host a book club! Everyone could buy or borrow from the library and we could read it together! Post thoughts, questions, etc.
I've been thinking a lot about my New Year's Resolutions, and finishing this book and trying to "live it" might have to be one of them!
Oh, and how's Anne? :-)
As soon as I hit send, I realized that volunteering you to lead a book club withe newborn in the house was a silly idea! Oh, well. It would still be nice to hear your thoughts on the subject.
I cannot say enough positive of this book! I've read this book a couple of times and it always gets my marriage going in a more positive direction..
I really enjoyed her "Proper care and feeding of Husbands" so I'll have to keep my eye out for this one too. I like her common sense approach, too bad that sense isn't so common in the world today!
Happy New Year and God bless!
Nanny Y.
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