Our second child, a baby boy, was born on Wednesday, December 12th at 12:35 am! Since he was born at 32 weeks gestation, he will be in the hospital at least until January 2nd. Thankfully, he is a strong little man, and has been breathing on is own since his birth. Please keep our family in your prayers! I am not sure how frequently I will be able to update, but I will try to put up the birth story soon since it is a doozy!
Emma!! I'm so happy you made it home and that your little one continues to do well! I guess it's a good sign that you found a few minutes to update your blog. ;-) I know your readers will appreciate it. We continue to pray for your little boy-- and your whole family!
Congratulations, Emma. I wasn't expecting that so soon! I'm glad he is well.
This is my first time to comment on your blog, although I have been checking on it often since I first visited it about two months ago.
I'll pray for you all.
You will be in our prayers!
Congratulations on your new little man!!! It's a great sign that he's breathing on his own. I also had one at 32 weeks and hes now a happy , healthy (running through the house as I type this) 6 year old. Congratulations and best wishes! I will be praying for all of you over the following weeks.
Wowee kazowee---So glad everything is going ok!! you were right about him coming early!! Congratulations---I'll send up some prayers.
Oh my, an early surprise! Congratulations! Our prayers for your speedy healing and your precious one's continued strength. Thanks be to God!
I don't usually comment, but I wanted to offer my congratulations on your baby boy. I will be adding you to my prayers. Let us know your birth story as soon as you are able.
Oh my goodness, I was not expecting this news at all. Congratulations and my prayers for your little guy as he is in the hospital and for you as you deal with this challenge.
Congratulations on your new arrival! What a lovely Christmas surprise!! I will keep you all in my prayers for a safe and joyful coming for him in January :)
Prayers are being said for you. God Bless.
A new life! Is there anything more wonderful? Enjoy each and every minute with this brand new little smidge of a person. All the best.
Congratulations on your new baby boy! I will be praying for you & your family.
Congratulations! I'll be praying for all of you!
Congratulations! It's so nice he won't have to be in the hospital for very long, although I'm sure you wish he was home.
It's wonderful the technology they have now, my little brother and I were both born at 33 weeks, and my mom said the NICU had changed even in twelve years, and that was six years ago now!
Congratulations! I wasn't expecting to see that post any time soon. We will most certainly be praying for you little on. Our son was also in the NICU and they take sure wonderful care of babies. It is a miracle that he is breathing on his own. How wonderful!! I will pray that he continues to do so well.
Bless you and your new little man! I will pray that all continues to go well for ya'll! I've enjoyed reading your blog!
Blessing on all of you! I will keep your sweet family in my prayers.
Emma, I had missed "hearing from you" on blog posts the last couple of days but had no idea that you were bringing a sweet, brand new little life into the world! Congratulations to you and your husband and the new big sister! I am the big sister to a brother as well and we are so close. I pray that they will have a beautiful relationship and that he will grow strong and healthy and into the man God has created him to be. Sons are a blessing from the Lord. Enjoy your forty days although I guess it will be somewhat modified with him still in the hospital. Soak up the joy of this time though and seek the things there are to be thankful about this time rather than the differences from what you might have been expecting. Kelly
Congratulations, Emma! I'll be praying for your sweet little one to continue to grow and be strong and for you to have strength and be encouraged.
Goodness, you've definitely had an early Christmas present!
I am so glad your new little son is doing well. God grant him Many Years !
Prayers for you all- and take care of yourself !
Congratulations, I wish for your son and family a lifetime of happiness, may God smile upon you all.
prayers for you your family and your darling little boy.everything will be ok.
I will be praying for your family.
Congrats on a sweet new son. Please let me know if I can do anything for you!
Oh - congratulations and blessings to you! Yes, praying for the next few weeks to pass as easily as possible. He'll be home before you know it.
Congratulations... I hope the hospital isn't too far away. Petros was in NICU for a month. May your baby come home sooner than that (it feels like something is absent, being home while baby is still in the hospital:(
Congratulations! I will keep your little boy and your family in my prayers.
Congratulations on your new baby boy. I am 30 weeks myself with a little boy due February 17, so I really can feel for you. How exciting! I know that you wish you had him at home with you, though. What a nice Christmas present. Lucky you gets to sleep at night now, while I am still uncomfortable! lol
Emma, I am so happy for you! Congratulations on the new baby! You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers...
Congratulations!! You'll all be in my prayers.
I'll be praying for your wee one; you've been missed!
Mrs. C
Congratulations Emma! I will be praying for you and your sweet little baby.
Dear Emma,
I'll be praying for your family. Congratulations!
God bless you, your new baby, and all of your family. We are praying for you.
Oh, my! I remember having to leave my 2nd baby in intensive care while I had to leave to go home each night! Such an emotional upheaval! I'll pray that all will go well for all of you--and that your little bundle will be able to come home soon.
Peace be with you,
Jean in Wisconsin
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