Sunday, December 31

Seven Swans-a-Swimming

Miss Margaret Waters and her sister Mary were quietly at work in their cottage in the village street.  They sat, one on each side of the big round table in the living room, penning their Christmas cards in meticulous copper plate.  Music tinkled from the large old-fashioned wireless set on the dresser by the fireplace, vying with the noise of the bells outside.  Mary's grey curls began to nod in time to a waltz, and putting her pen between her teeth, she rose to increase the volume of the music."

Miss Read

We had our simple Nativity Pageant today and, thankfully, it was a success.  The children were so cute...  especially the darling little baby in the manger.  The church school teachers had a little party for the children afterward, which was great fun!

We always have Saint Basil's Bread on the Sunday closest to New Year's Day.  There is a nickle hidden in the bread from the nuns who bake the breads and Father John adds a special gold coin to each loaf, as well.  I love opening the boxes to see what design the nuns chose for the top.  It is always different!  There were a few extra slices of bread left this year, so I have been able to enjoy it lightly toasted with butter (such a decadent treat!).

We decided (once again) to have our New Year's Eve celebrations after Vespers using the Netflix countdowns.  It is nice to be tucked into bed before midnight, due to the Saint Basil's Day Liturgy that always happens on January 1st.  This year we went all out with masks, glittery 2018 numbers, and little crowns.  It's a lot of fun to make a big deal out of these things and see the Trio's excitement! 

1 comment:

elizabeth said...

such a special time! :)

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