These children of ours are growing up. The Trio has been helping a lot by cleaning up after meals (clearing the table and putting food away, sweeping, emptying the dishwasher, and washing dishes) and cleaning the bathrooms. Sugar Plum even baked biscuits this week (all three of the children are desperate to learn how to bake and cook) and ran into the store on her own to buy some tortilla chips to go with our dinner. All of this has been so helpful to their Papa and me! I love to keep house and it is hard to relinquish control over things, but it is important for our little ones to learn skills like this. They've followed along doing tasks with me their whole lives and it is good to let them spread their little wings a bit and try to do things themselves without me supervising every little detail. Plus, think of all of the nice things that will be coming out of the kitchen when they master the art of cooking!
I have had a hard time with this. The pregnancy has helped me loosen up a bit as I can't keep up with things the way I use to.
that's wonderful! what great life skills you are teaching them by allowing them to learn! praying for you all!
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