Saturday, February 20

Saturday Pursuits...


  The children are in the midst of a little overnight visit to their grandmother's home and I have been taking full advantage of our time apart.  I spent some time deep cleaning the bathrooms and our bedroom, with special attention paid to my knitting corner.  I started listening to the audio version of Jane Eyre and so the time passed quickly and pleasantly.  It may seem silly to spend a break doing housework, but I know that having things clean and tidy is a gift to myself that will last far longer than this little overnight!  My husband and I also got a chance to enjoy some quality time together and I read a little more of Wildwood!

1 comment:

priest's wife - S.T./ Anne Boyd said...

I love audio books and podcasts- I feel spoiled these days with all the amazing options- for children, you might like

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