Tuesday, July 21

Tuesday at the All-American Council...


So, Father John has been busy non-stop the entire time we've been in Atlanta.  We see him for a few minutes in the morning when we wake up and then again in the evening for a couple of minutes when we drop off his dinner (tonight was a delicious Philly cheesesteak with grilled onions, peppers, and mushrooms).  It is quite a difference from us since we are fortunate that he normally works from home and we can pop into his office to talk to him, share something, or get a hug.  He is doing an amazing job and we are so proud of him!

This children attended the religious education classes again this morning while my sister and I made a bank run and a quick trip to get a few items from Target with her little ones.  After we picked up my littlest from his class (the older two took a tour of the Coca-Cola Factory), we swung by IKEA to get the things that we left in the cart yesterday and took a detour to Star Provisions, a darling eatery and marketplace.  Though we didn't purchase any food, I think that we might stop there before this trip is over for something tasty on their menu or from their bakery.

1 comment:

elizabeth said...

yay!!! so glad you got back to IKEA! what a special sister time you are having, and the kids having lots of cousin time! Have a great day today!

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