Friday, June 19

Living and Learning: This Week...

Church in the Home
It is hard to believe that we only have ten more days until the feast of Saints Peter and Paul.  We will be able to celebrate with my father-in-law's church (it is their patronal feast-day), so it will be extra special!

Our house has been a bit neglected these past few weeks with the end of school, over night guests, and travel), and I intend to set things right this week.  I plan to work my way through the house over this coming week.  Honestly, cleaning is not my favorite activity, but the result is always worth the effort.  

 I saw the preview for the documentary, Iris, a few weeks ago.  Doesn't she seem like a trip?  I love seeing how people live and this seems like it would be so much fun to see. 


Kitchen, Pantry, and Table
We had a few minutes to duck into the National Museum of American History while we were in D.C. this week and were able to view Julia Child's kitchen.  It was amazing and I am very thankful that I was able to really soak it all in while my husband manned the camera.  He got some great pictures that I will be able to enjoy looking through.

I'm nearly finished knitting a small version of the Fantoosh Shawl and am starting to think about what will be next on my needles.  I was very pleased with the Stone Cottage pullover sweater that I knit in the late winter and am tempted to start another.  It seems odd to think about knitting something like this when it is so hot outside, but I think that I will be very happy to have a second cozy sweater to snuggle into when November blows in.  The question is, what color should I pick? 


Mimi said...

I love your stove, sigh.
Wonderful thoughts

elizabeth said...

these pictures are Julia Child's kitchen I think then? wow, I would LOVE 6 burners! what a dream kitchen!!!

MamaBirdEmma said...

Mimi, it's Julia Child's!!

priest's wife - S.T./ Anne Boyd said... up after school and guests and church sounds like my life! ;)

bopyoke said...

An funny little story - I worked for a very wealthy (but VERY down to earth family) in Boston as a nanny for a few years in college. The grandfather I only met once, but I liked him instantly. He was a seafearer, and looked every bit the part, with white beard and twisted mustache and a smile that lit up the whole house. I didn't get to talk to him for long though, although now I wish I had. A couple of years ago we have moved back to Virginia, when I randomly checked out the Boston Globe to read the news. On the front page was his obitutary and he had accomplished so much, and had known many important people, but the one I loved the most was that he had been very good friends with Julia Child. They were such good friends that when she got a hankering for her favorite snack - he would buy it and sneak it to her. You know what it was? French Fries! :)

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