We try to severely limit our entertainment during Great Lent, so I've been slowly gathering appropriate things to listen to and read during these next seven weeks.
Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev's Saint Matthew Passion is one of my favorite Lenten listens. It was really hard to find on compact disc for awhile and so we would listen to the YouTube video when we wanted to hear it. However, I was able to order it last year and now I see that they are more readily available through Amazon. I tend to put the music on when I'm cooking and cleaning.
I've chosen a couple of books for my Lenten reading this year: The Mystery of Art and The Scent of Holiness. I am really looking forward to both of these and have been saving them for this special Liturgical time. Normally I have quite a bit of reading time during Great Lent, so I am thinking about pre-ordering Frederica Mathewes-Green's latest book, Welcome to the Orthodox Church for the tail end of the fast.
I'd love to know what you are reading and listening to, if you feel inclined to share!
Hello! I'm Deanna. I just recently found your blog and am now an avid follower! I just loved your Lenten cleaning idea and I plan on doing something similar at our home. Usually I read Caryll Houselander's The Way of the Cross during Lent, and this year I hope to read Fulton Sheen's The Life of Christ. May you have a blessed Lent!
I just loved _The Scent of Holiness_ .. have not read the Jackson one... am quite intrigued by the new one by FMG and may be ordering that soon.... I did not know of this music, thanks. I have a few Lenten CDs... I esp. love the ones by the Boston Byzantine Choir... I am going to be reading some of Saint Elder Paisos' earlier books that are stories of holy people/Saints who he knew.
I enjoyed reading the Scent of Holiness. I may need to pick it up again this lent. I plan on finishing Holy Women of Russia and Everyday Saints. I am also going to read The Lenten Spring.
I just finished The Mystery of Art and you won't be disappointed. So good. Thanks for sharing. Not sure yet what my stack of books will be, but I'm working through Psalms right now and then probably will peruse the bookshelf. So Many Unread Books! :)
I loved that music, thanks for the tip. We found a set to listen to during learning time for the coming weeks.
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