I baked 62 cupcakes for Sampson's baptism today. It was fun seeing them all lined up on the dining room table like soldiers... Now they are all corralled into ziplock bags awaiting their frosting tomorrow night. I am planning to make chocolate icing and the children and I picked out some fun Valentine sprinkles to decorate with!
Father John gave the boys haircuts tonight before baths. Little Man really doesn't like getting his hair cut. You can see from his stance how hard it is for him to stand it! We don't cut their hair that frequently though, so he doesn't get tortured too often. My sisters and I are planning to take pictures of the grandchildren all together and I was congratulating myself on doing my part to make sure that our little ones looked presentable, when Button crash landed into the bunk bed and got a nasty goose egg on his noggin. I'm sure that it'll be an amazing shade of purple by Saturday... I guess that is what Photoshop is for though!
Speaking of Photoshop, check out the amazing adhesive hook situation on the inside of our bathroom cabinet door! That little visual feast was one of the many treasures that the previous owners left for our viewing pleasure. I've got to figure out how to pop those bad boys off without destroying the door. Any ideas?
I downloaded Sidney Chambers and the Shadow of Death onto my Kindle app today and am really looking forward to getting to read a bit of it. The Masterpiece television show, Grantchester, is based on the series of books by James Runcie and has become a Monday night highlight for me (I DVR it on Sunday night), Have you seen it?
T-minus 24 hours until I get to hold Sammy-Boo-Bear!
safe travels and dress WARM!!! the temps are super COLD tomorrow from what I see!!! can't wait to have one of those cupcakes... :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Hi Emma!
This is my first time commenting, though I've thoroughly enjoyed your blog for several years : ) (and actually linked to your blog for posts on femininity it my last (long ago) post)
I wanted to suggest a blow dryer to soften the adhesive on those hooks. I've not tried it myself, but have had it recommended to me by people who have had it work.
Have a wonderful time on your trip!
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